▷ সেরা পর্ণ ভিডিও

Missy Monroe

উপনাম: Missy Malone, Missy Marie, Misty Monroe, Melissa Marie Brassell, Missy Monique, Missy Lovely

দেশ: United States

জন্ম: 1984-08-22

চোখ: Blue

চুল: Brown

উচ্চতা: 165

ওজন: 61

স্তন: Natural

ভিউ: 2.4K

পর্নস্টার Missy Monroe ভিডিও

1 ভিডিও
She had a 34D bra in sixth grade. She had sex her first time at age 12. In eighth grade, she was voted most famous flirt and she hung out with the older boys. In high school she hung out with the football players and the Gothic crowd, wore designer clothes, and did drugs. Cindy Crawford, the porn star, was a senior when Missy was a freshman. By the time she graduated high school at age 17, she had slept with 150 guys. But she never had an STD until she got into the adult industry [chlamydia]. She usually didn't do anything with the guys at school, but with guys over 18. She went to a lot of college parties. She was a decent student and her GPA was 3.3 when she graduated. She did not take the SATs, but she took the test to join the army. However, when the Second Gulf War started, she changed her mind.
Years active: 2003 - present.

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